Please utilize the following form if you need to contact us outside of business hours. We will be sure to provide a prompt response to your queries. You could also call us directly at (758) 455-9999.
Contact Form
Wilrock LTD Location
Vieux-Fort Barge site
Office locations
Laborie (main office)
Telephone: 1 (758) 455-9999
Cell: (758) 285-9900
Fax: 1 (758) 454-9000
Business Hours: 8am – 5pm Mondays to Fridays, 8am – 12pm Saturdays
Vieux-Fort office
Tel: 1 (758) 454-3678
Business Hours:
Mailing Address
Wilrock Ltd.
Saphyr Estate, Laborie
P.O. Box 322
Vieux-Fort, St. Lucia LC12 201